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The CIO Paradox: Meet with the "Competition" to beat the Competition

Your professional growth runs into resistance. Steal best practices from other professions to make your case.

Scott Smeester


July 11, 2024

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March 21, 2024


Joe Woodruff

How To Get Buy-in For Buying In A Hard Market

Hard markets and tight budgets don’t need to delay the spending you need now. Buy-in isn’t about the budget. It’s about the right decision. And that’s something you can lead.
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February 8, 2024


Scott Smeester

How CEOs Manage Their Own Expectations Of Technology So As To Lead And Not Impede

It’s not enough to tell CEOs what to think. They best manage their expectations of IT through processing three critical areas.
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February 1, 2024


Scott Smeester

When CIOs Have CEOs With Expectation Issues (aka Fantasies)

You will run into CEOs who do not have right expectations. They will run over you if you don’t know how to manage their expectations. How do you lead CEOs who have unrealistic expectations of IT while remaining an integral team player?
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January 25, 2024


Scott Smeester

Challenging Requests Without Burning Bridges Or Making Enemies

You can’t do it all, at least not in the timeframe others want you to do it in. There is a better answer than citing backlog - one that educates as well as protects you and your team.
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December 21, 2023


Scott Smeester

When CIOs Look Beyond The End

You led well in a year of the unforeseen. 2024 calls for one area of growth that must be your most intentional.
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October 12, 2023


Scott Smeester

Beat The Odds And Drive Company Growth As A CIO

Do CIOs drive growth? No and yes. And where it is a yes, they focus on six critical areas.
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