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C-Suite Leadership

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The Three Shifts CIOs Use To Leverage Their Reporting Structure

CIOs, perhaps more than any other title, are all over the map in who they report to. Take control of what you need to get done by making key three shifts in your mindset and relationship.

Scott Smeester


July 25, 2024

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July 18, 2024


Scott Smeester

What CEOs and CFOs Must Know From You About AI Implementation

Building takes time. It also takes buy-in. And buy-in requires knowing the crucial, not just the superficial.
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March 21, 2024


Joe Woodruff

How To Get Buy-in For Buying In A Hard Market

Hard markets and tight budgets don’t need to delay the spending you need now. Buy-in isn’t about the budget. It’s about the right decision. And that’s something you can lead.
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February 8, 2024


Scott Smeester

How CEOs Manage Their Own Expectations Of Technology So As To Lead And Not Impede

It’s not enough to tell CEOs what to think. They best manage their expectations of IT through processing three critical areas.
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December 7, 2023


Joe Woodruff

When CIOs Know That Tightening The Belt Is No Longer Good Enough

Begin with the end in mind is standard advice. And is still a missed dynamic in most planning. It’s the big picture, not the individual project, that gets forgotten. Working backwards is the critical way forward.
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September 7, 2023


Scott Smeester

What To Say When Your CEO or CFO Ask How You Know

We rely too often on our own credibility or research or vendor propaganda to sell our proposals. We rely too little on the best way we know that what we know is right.
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July 20, 2023


Scott Smeester

Tech and Business: How To Communicate For A Change (The Overview)

You must lead the way for technology and business to communicate for a change. And for the change to mean anything, you are going to have to change the environment in which all this talking is taking place.
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