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What CEOs and CFOs Must Know From You About AI Implementation

Building takes time. It also takes buy-in. And buy-in requires knowing the crucial, not just the superficial.

Scott Smeester


July 18, 2024

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June 6, 2024


Joe Woodruff

Blended Not Shaken: How CIOs Make It Work With The New Way Of Doing Teams

Blended workforces are the new reality. Getting ahead of the wave requires meeting unique challenges with new priorities.
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March 28, 2024


Scott Smeester

Keep AI Weird, Because Normal Isn't Working

Generative AI is only exceptional if used exceptionally. Our normal approach to problem solving won’t move AI past average. For better results, keep AI weird.
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January 18, 2024


Joe Woodruff

The Art of Overcoming Rollout Resistance

Resistance to rollouts are common, and failure to overcome them is an agony of defeat in a class all by itself. The art of overcoming is anchored in three essentials often unknown or overlooked by CIOs and technology leaders.
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October 19, 2023


Joe Woodruff

The One Reason CIOs Should Not Let Their Role Evolve

We know the CIO role is changing. Do you have to wait and see what those changes are? Or is there a better way to transform yourself? Move over Darwin, we have some designing to do.
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August 10, 2023


Scott Smeester

The One Technique You Need To Sharpen and Maximize Your Large Language Model

Large Language Models are just that - large. Like much of our work with others, LLMs require a bit of mentoring and coaching. To draw out the best it has to give, we have to train it to think like the rest of our team thinks.
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June 8, 2023


Scott Smeester

How Technology Leaders Follow The Money To Lead The Way Into Successful AI

Billions of dollars are being invested in generative AI. People see its power. They also feel the responsibility that comes with it. CIOs know that they can’t hold it back and they can’t rush it forward. Mostly, they can’t have their company ignore it. Let the investments others are making be a credible witness to your argumentation.
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