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CIO Leadership

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The Three Shifts CIOs Use To Leverage Their Reporting Structure

CIOs, perhaps more than any other title, are all over the map in who they report to. Take control of what you need to get done by making key three shifts in your mindset and relationship.

Scott Smeester


July 25, 2024

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July 18, 2024


Scott Smeester

What CEOs and CFOs Must Know From You About AI Implementation

Building takes time. It also takes buy-in. And buy-in requires knowing the crucial, not just the superficial.
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July 11, 2024


Scott Smeester

The CIO Paradox: Meet with the "Competition" to beat the Competition

Your professional growth runs into resistance. Steal best practices from other professions to make your case.
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July 4, 2024


Joe Woodruff

The CIOs Fight For Freedom

Innovation is the path of inalienable rights.
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June 27, 2024


Scott Smeester

The Critical Factor Your CEO Overlooks When It Comes To AI

Your CEO can be as pro-AI as any, but if they don’t take this one thing into account, AI will become a monstrous force against the company.
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June 20, 2024


Scott Smeester

The Fundamental Shift The Future-Effective CIO Makes Towards Talent

With all that the future of work entails, we have overlooked a treasured quality to value in employees. It’s not how long they stay; it’s who they bring with them.
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June 13, 2024


Joe Woodruff

Never Waste A Transition

Life has transitions. You have had them. You may be in one. We often waste them. Here is how you take advantage of those rare moments (gifts) when you are between leaving and starting.
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