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Employee Retention

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Blended Not Shaken: How CIOs Make It Work With The New Way Of Doing Teams

Blended workforces are the new reality. Getting ahead of the wave requires meeting unique challenges with new priorities.

Joe Woodruff


June 6, 2024

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February 15, 2024


Scott Smeester

We Are Not Ready For AI Until We Are Better At This

AI will bring revolutionary change. But not until we exercise our power as leaders to affect a greater change.
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November 9, 2023


Scott Smeester

What Effective CIOs Think About As A Year Nears Its End

CIOs benefit from periodic resets. Approaching the end of a calendar year is a great time to reset for a new beginning in the new year. Reset to three essential needs.
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August 3, 2023


Joe Woodruff

When a CIO Knows It's Time To Leave (a reconsideration)

There are a lot of good reasons to hang on and press-in to your current situation. And there are three good reasons to take off.
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May 18, 2023


Scott Smeester

The One Question CIOs Can Ask That Will Change Remote Work Discussions

The question of fairness in remote work continues to be raised. It’s a distraction from the real need and the right question. Ask this, and you change the nature of the discussion once and for all.
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February 2, 2023


Joe Woodruff

What CIOs Know To Never Cut Back On During Cutbacks

Many CIOs have options in place to develop people, but they still aren’t seeing the results. Even if you are making cutbacks, you can invest more into your people while saving money and increasing revenue. You just need to brush up on your farming.
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January 12, 2023


Joe Woodruff

Three Ways Feedback Works For You And Not Against You As A Leader

We have misused feedback, and in thinking we were being objective, we have actually been subjective. We don’t really give people a lot to work with. Constructive feedback is aware of the science behind how people learn, and the steps to take in light of that truth.
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