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C-Suite Best Practices

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The CIO Paradox: Meet with the "Competition" to beat the Competition

Your professional growth runs into resistance. Steal best practices from other professions to make your case.

Scott Smeester


July 11, 2024

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September 28, 2023


Scott Smeester

Getting Your CFO From No To Go

CFOs are in a tough, yet strategic position. Working with them is work; and it should be. How to work with them so that they are a Go rather than a No is a three-stop journey that you lead.
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July 27, 2022


Scott Smeester

Why People Will Take Less Money To Work With You

Culture is critical in the battle for talent attraction and retention. But culture is too often misunderstood, and therefore, underplayed. Four elements define a winning culture.
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July 21, 2022


Scott Smeester

Disrupt The Disruption: Why CxOs Must Keep Their Title, Exercise Their Authority, And Change The Way They Lead

Leadership trends come and go. Riding them can be a great adventure. But leadership isn’t in the riding, it’s in the landing. Leaders know where to get off and take a stand.
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May 11, 2021


Joe Woodruff

The Need For Anger: Three Ways to Leverage Anger for a Healthy Workplace

Anger is healthy for the workplace. CIOs need to master it as a leadership skill for the sake of their team, their work and their selves.
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May 6, 2021


Scott Smeester

Writing Persuasive Emails: How To Get It Opened First

Leaders deal with email on a daily basis. Four little shifts and the email you send will be opened and more effective.
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April 27, 2021


Scott Smeester

Not Getting Through to Your CEO? 3 Reasons Why and How to Fix it Overnight

Feeling that you can’t get through to the CEO can be demoralizing. Fortunately, a simple recognition of how they are oriented can lead to overnight change with just a couple of adjustments on your part.
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