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CEO Leadership

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The Critical Factor Your CEO Overlooks When It Comes To AI

Your CEO can be as pro-AI as any, but if they don’t take this one thing into account, AI will become a monstrous force against the company.

Scott Smeester


June 27, 2024

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April 18, 2024


Scott Smeester

How To Hire A Fractional CIO

Fractional CIOs may be all you need. But getting the most out of the relationship is another matter. These four dynamics will help you hire the right fit and maximize the benefit.
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February 29, 2024


Scott Smeester

What CEOs Need CIOs To Understand About Influence And Authority

CEOs want their CIOs to be of greater influence, especially where they don’t have decision making authority.. That means the CIOs need to invest and leverage three critical assets their CEOs have been utilizing for years.
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January 11, 2024


Scott Smeester

CIO: Help Your CEO Cut Through The Noise So That You Can Right Your Focus

Lists of priorities are merely voices competing for attention. Your CEO won't invest unless you show the real need behind four critical areas in 2024 that need buy-in.
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December 28, 2023


Scott Smeester

How CEOs Will Leverage Technology In 2024 And Gain The Competitive Edge

When peak performers compete, it's not the skill in question but the equipment at play.
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December 21, 2023


Scott Smeester

When CIOs Look Beyond The End

You led well in a year of the unforeseen. 2024 calls for one area of growth that must be your most intentional.
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December 14, 2023


Scott Smeester

When CEOs Are Triggered To Look More Closely At IT (and why they should be)

There are certain things in business that don’t get close attention until something triggers action. For CEOs, IT can be that place where familiarity has become enough. There are ten triggers that will move a CEO to take a closer look, and ten turning points CEOs can lead out in before triggers are ever needed.
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