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Cyber Security Leadership

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What Do You Do When The Greatest Threat To Your Security Is One Of You?

We can find ourselves hostage to a person in IT who alone holds access to key programs and data. How do you prevent such a vulnerability, and what do you do if it’s too late? Here are three practical plans to work through.

Scott Smeester


November 16, 2023

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November 2, 2023


Joe Woodruff

How To Present An AI Governance Policy So That People Care

Good AI policies are easy to get your hands on and modify. Good adoption of those policies is a different matter. It's not in the policy, it's in the presentation.
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February 23, 2023


Scott Smeester

Three Key Moves CIOs Make To Elevate Their CISO

CISOs are overwhelmed and often short-term. Neither need be. As CIOs, you have the opportunity to make them a hero. You just need to help them through one big problem with three strong moves.
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February 18, 2021


Joe Woodruff

The Board And Digital Stewardship

Boards don’t want to get caught in a crisis, let alone one in which they were warned but caught unprepared. Boards need to challenge the paradigms by which they think of security, increase their knowledge of security as a business strategy, and respond with concerted management, strengthened posture and preparation.
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November 24, 2020


Joe Woodruff

How The CIO and Board Work Toward Better Cyber-Risk Governance

The CIO and board of directors must implement a new dashboard that indicates secure risk management, business alignment and incident responses are in place and functional.
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July 9, 2019


Scott Smeester

3 Top Responses To The Inevitability Of Cyber-Crime

Cyber-crime costs to the world will double in a six year period ending in 2021. More reports of attacks give rise to a gnawing sense of inevitability. As leaders in the fight, there is only one strategy that safeguards our companies. Inevitability must promote “Response-ability.”
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February 4, 2019


Scott Smeester

Is Our Technology Is A Liability Or Asset?

It’s difficult to know the answer in the changing landscape of digital transformation and the roles of C-Suite Executives. The CIO is now being seen more as the right hand to the CEO. But does that mean everything the CIO contends for is worth the investment?
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