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When CEOs Are Triggered To Look More Closely At IT (and why they should be)

There are certain things in business that don’t get close attention until something triggers action. For CEOs, IT can be that place where familiarity has become enough. There are ten triggers that will move a CEO to take a closer look, and ten turning points CEOs can lead out in before triggers are ever needed.

Scott Smeester


December 14, 2023

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October 26, 2020


Scott Smeester

Dear board: You don’t know what you don’t know.

Decisions are never meant to be made in a void, and information alone isn’t education. Wisdom is the pool in which information and context swim together. Very few board members have technology experience. Less than 10% have technology subcommittees from which to draw. What is a board to do?
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August 5, 2020


Scott Smeester

Managing the Difficult Geek Employee

Dealing well with difficult employees is the difference between well-deserved victory and an unforeseen upset. How do you know when to give up on an employee?
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June 16, 2020


Scott Smeester

What Every Leader Needs To Hear In The George Floyd Protests

Protests are the voice of the unheard, Your employees find a number of ways to voice complaint without ever having to organize a march. Effective executives listen centered on the employee’s agenda. They do so utilizing a four-fold process of asking questions toward input, processing, ownership and action.
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April 13, 2020


Scott Smeester

Essential ACTS of Effective CEOs and CIOs: Security

Crisis and remote work endanger all the security precautions you have in place. Your employees are your best line of defense. Teach them to give PAUSE and implement these 5 daily but effective practices.
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